Would you spend the extra $93??

Ok, so Ill keep this short and sweet.
Option A-$192 for OEM GSR oil pump from Honda (have to drive 30 minutes to dealership to get it)
Option B-$285 for Spoon Racing GSR oil pump (delivered to my door)
Im debating if I want to spend the extra cash.
What do you all think? Spend the extra $93 or not...


Super Duper Moderator
Depending on your other mods, or planned mods, it may be unnecessary and overkill. But it won't hurt.

This is the info I found on it:
The Spoon oil pump is a direct replacement of the stock unit and can be used with all B-series engines. It is made from a new material and manufacturing process that is different from the stock Honda unit. The result is a unit that is stronger, and higher quality than stock. The Spoon oil pump eliminates the peeling problem that commonly occurs with stock pumps and improves oil flow. The oil seal is optimized for low pullout probability.

I don't know what peeling is, but it sure sounds awful.

Ominous G2

From the last two sentences I would guess that peeling is when the seal peels away from the pump.


Super Duper Moderator
Actually, I got that last sentence from a separate source from the rest of the paragraph. I just stuck it in at the end.

well, from what I was told if i had an ITR oil pump Id have to get obd2 timing covers to clear the pump. I think Im just gonna get the Spoon since I have the cash.


I <3 2.4l's
Only reason I converted to SRT oil system, was to convert is over..which included pan,pump, adapter, misc items...was $15 cheaper then buying a stock 2.4 oil pump...plus the SRT pump flows at 15cc where the stock 2.4 is 12.


New Member
i would buy OEM. nobody is gonna look at your engine and say WOW NICE OIL PUMP unless its a show car. or your mods warrant a better oil pump. thats 93 mchickens!