WOOT Electrical problems!!


Apprentice Mechanic
Tightened that belt on that alternator and it did NOTHING!! Nothing!!! So its still shaking and slightly dims at any sign of extra use of electricity. So I decided WTF and just put my nice 850CCA battery in the car from interstate. Thing is its a side post so I was like great, I need to figure something out so... I put the battery in the back and take the front one out. I ran a 0 gauge power cable to the back and just thinking a ground would work for the car... I WAS WRONG. So I was trying everything I could to get it to work. I am guessing the negative cable just runs to the car when the alternator is on so.. This is what I did because I kept killing the battery: I used the front battery for a jumper battery so when I went to jump it for like teh 5th time of trial and error I FOUND OUT I hooked up the thing wrong some how and it SUPER CHARGED the car. So everything went really bright. At first I thought holy crap I got some extra juice. I went to start car, and car started RIGHT up like instantly the crank went fast as hell. everythign super bright I was so happy I didn't turn anything on but the headlights because when I did that THEY BLEW and then I turned brights oin just to be a dumbass and they popped so loud...! SO I put the front battery back in and left the rear battery in as well and just had it stayed connected I think it will do nothing as the neg is still hooked to the chassis lol I really don't want to run two cables to the back of car.. but is that only choice I have? I think alternator is still good and everything its just the headlights are broked and I got fogs for now as I am broke for a while lol. This freaking sucks I thought I was a smart guy and made a super powered battery...

What I think I did though is I hooked the jumpers up to the battery then it was still having trouble starting so I used another set and I PUT them on backwards... lol my spare is okay tho nothing even happend to it both run fine just headlights on my 92 integra GS 4dr=(


Apprentice Mechanic
Okay I have some addons to say about this car... I think its the alternator for sure because I popped the positive cable off the battery on accident and the car died.. which is weird because the car ran fine by itself for a long time and still starts after turning off good.