winshield wiper problem..


New Member
hey so i got my windshield replaced over the weekend and this morning i was trying to se my windshield wipers because it was drizzling here and my wipers wouldnt go. all they would do is twitch. then just a few minutes ago i took off the wipers from the motors and tried it to see if they run without the wipers and they do. does anyone know what to do, how i can fix this, or what the cause of this is?


New Member
i thought that. but theyre actully not. because at one point the wipers worked but only went up half way. then after that it just kept jumping/twitching..

Man A

this might sound dumb . are they pushing against the windshield? or are the arms on the right side?


New Member
they dont seem to be pushing against the windshield or on the wrong side. because i thought of that too and switched the arms but on ended being too long? idk.