window trim cleaning how to


Keep It Clean
Cool beans, ill add this to my exteroir cleaning I'm going to be doing soon


New Member
Sticky this shit! I finally know a cost effective method of doing this!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is paint on a metal piece. Sand too deep and you show metal, and you need to spray it black.


New Member
Yeah I saw it a while back.
There is also this article about "forever black" solution. its kinda like dye for your trim:
I have all the things I need for this like that Forever Black" trim stuff. but I just haven't done it yet. it has really good ratings on amazon.

Heres another article basically the same thing as one above.:

you guys should post pics before and after though if anyone trys anything!


Keep It Clean
I tried this and I ruined the trimming. They came out dule and a light gray rubber color. I regeret doing this..should have left it flaky and rough the way it was.


Keep It Clean
Started with 1500 then I used 2000 to make it smoother...but trim detail and it looked good...when I washed the car and all the detail was washed off and dried it looks gray and scratchy straight streaks (the way it was sanded the person said not to do it in circles).

I guess I did it properly but I thought the outcome was going to be black black black looking...not black only when a trim detail product is applied.