Where to get an Iacv?


New Member
Ok. Radiator is cracked and leaking and the car idles crazy so I took it to Honda today and they said I need new radiator, hoses, iacv and fiacv. I already tried to clean the iacv and fiacv, but still no luck. I went to autozone and they only have the iacv for 300 bucks! Anyone know where I can find those valves for cheaper?


From the bay to LV
junk yard. you don't need the fitv, you can remove it and run the car with out problems, you're gonna have to make sure your car warms up before you start driving it though. if not its gonna bog like a mofo. Check out G2IC to for the write up.


New Member
I'm 90% sure I have an extra one. I'll double check when I'm done with this cigarette and get back to ya.


New Member
Ok it's not in the bag of parts at my house. I'll stop by the garage around 9-10am I have a box of parts there and I'm sure it's there.


New Member
I woke up late and didn't have a chance to stop and look at the garage. I'll stop on my way home from work.

I'm not sure if it makes a differance between years or not, but I'll write down any numbers I see on it. And of course take a picture.


New Member
i'm on my way out the door RIGHT NOW to go look for you.

sorry, i left the house at 8am last night and got back at 9pm. yankee game FTW!


New Member
hmm i'm not sure if that'll work. mine looked a lot different. i'll do some research and see if it'll work. thanks for getting that and taking pics and stuff I appreciate it. I'll get back to you asap.