Where is the best place in Philadelphia for alarm installation?


New Member

I recently got a teg and would like to get some security. I wanna get someone to install an alarm for me cos I don't really have the time to do it (or really know how to do it) and I want it done pretty soon. Any knows a good shop or person? Hopefully it won't be too expensive

1. Install 2 way alarm ( I need to buy it ), with hood and trunk sensors.
2. Kill switches
3. Re-route hood cable



New Member
If u havent brought it. Go to bestbuy, basic install is included with purchase, necessary accessories arent included.


New Member
Thanks. I just re-routed my hood cable. I think i've narrowed it down to the Autopage 425lcd with backup batt, tilt sensor, extra siren, audio sensor and somehow sensors on the hood and trunk.
