Where can I get car paint


New Member
is there any website where I can buy automotive paint? I'm going to need a paintjob at some point, and since I'm poor, it's probably gonna be a MAACO one, in which case I want to hand them some decent paint to work with.

also looking for a site where I can pick up a gsr or b16 trans, can't decide between the two, I dunno what kind of a hit my gas mileage is gonna take on either which worries me since it's a DD, but my LS is just too damn slow

basically I could just use a list of reliable cheap sites to check out, I lost all my Honda links a while ago

thanks guys


OMG it has VTEC?
Search locally for the paint.
B16 tranny is what I would get, you won't really loose that much mpg but I guess I only say that cause I wouldn't really care or notice a difference of 4 mpg. Maybe it could be more but thats just a guess. Search your local craigslist or car forums, that way there is no shipping charges.

Reliable and cheap? MPG and Fast? Most b16 trannys that you don't pay more for are going to be pretty beat, civic owners:roll::lol: