What's better, compression wise, for boost?


New Member
whats better, compression wise, for boost?

i am playing on turboing my car and i want to get new pistonswhat ratio is better 9:1 or 12:1 for a turbo setup


Type R
9:1 is better as previously stated you can run more boost... just don't leave out tuning most important


New Member
well lower is better for turbo (thats what ppl always say) so you can 'increas the boost' more but more boost isnt always equal to more power. the choice of ur turbo itself and who finetunes it will determen if you will get a lot of power and direct or lots of lag...

running high boost is never to good for an engine if its not tuned right or adjusted AND you loose power (N/A) with lower compression wich you have to make up for with higher boost. so stock pistons or with an even ration will allow you to choose a smaller turbo and run lower boost (so less lag)

greetz sis


New Member
Lower compression makes it easier to tune you FI car. There is a guy that is running (i believe) 10:1 compression and 11 psi. making very good HP numbers. The lower compression makes it less likely to detonate and therefore easier to tune. I would stilck to lower compression if you are not confident in your tuner.
The lower compression will yield a lower HP number at the same amount of boost because there is less mechanical work being put into it.


New Member
Baldy201 said:
Lower compression makes it easier to tune you FI car. There is a guy that is running (i believe) 10:1 compression and 11 psi. making very good HP numbers. The lower compression makes it less likely to detonate and therefore easier to tune. I would stilck to lower compression if you are not confident in your tuner.
The lower compression will yield a lower HP number at the same amount of boost because there is less mechanical work being put into it.
wont argue that ;) but which numbnut would not be confident in his tuner??? thats their job right if you dont trust them then find a reputable one even if the cost is a lil higher (you will have prolly more hp and drive longer so the extra cost will turn into lower cost over few years or even after a few months if you know what i mean)

greetz sis


New Member
that is so true. but most tuners cant tune a high compression high boost engine. That calls for some serious tuning and know how. With the right tools I can tune a FI car with 9.0 compression and 7 psi, but when you get up there in HP numbers and psi that is when it taks real skill to tune it safely especially for a street tune that will last.


New Member
i've known of a quit a few people running 11:1 on there sfwd cars and running anwhere from 26-30psi and running 9's making over 700hp go on to honda tech and find the user uglyass civic or fast is fun and write them an e-mail i promise you will be happy with the out come


Nobody Listens To Me
higher compression turbo motors give you little to no slack on errors with tuning. only professional (real professionals, not the ones who can tune yours for 50 bucks) would be able to handle such a motor. you will get better overall numbers with higher compression. but since you had to ask the question... stick with 9.0


New Member
Baldy201 said:
that is so true. but most tuners cant tune a high compression high boost engine. That calls for some serious tuning and know how. With the right tools I can tune a FI car with 9.0 compression and 7 psi, but when you get up there in HP numbers and psi that is when it taks real skill to tune it safely especially for a street tune that will last.
very true

boosted_integ said:
i've known of a quit a few people running 11:1 on there sfwd cars and running anwhere from 26-30psi and running 9's making over 700hp go on to honda tech and find the user uglyass civic or fast is fun and write them an e-mail i promise you will be happy with the out come
thx for the info :D any european guys around there that you know of that OWN in finetuning?

greetz sis


New Member
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but what about the stock GSR C/R? I believe it is somewhere around 10.5:1 compression. Assuming I'm running low boost (6-10lbs) and I have a good tuner, would that compression ratio be bad for boost?


Super Duper Moderator
Stock GSR is 10:1 compression, which is totally fine for the boost your talking about.


Amigo del Wraith
Uhmmmmm yea lower Compression is beter for boost. Higher better for N/A.

Man its sounds like I repeated the same things.


New Member
is heard that if you have a vtec engine and you go boost you have to turn vtec on all the time or turn it off or else u lose power... is that true? sry to jack the thread