What turbo is this??


New Member
Hey guys,

I just bought a turbo off a kid today for my boosted setup but i cannot figure out for the life of me what motor, or car (Nissan) this turbo came of of , or if its a T3, T25, T28, etc. Im almost positive its a Garrett turbo as it has AIRESEARCH printed on it. It has "Nissan Motor" printed on it, so its obviously a Nissan vehicle it came off of.

The kid i bought it from didnt know either, and he figured it was either a T25 or T3.

I have emailed Garrett, but have had no response.

Everything printed on the housings are is follows:

Compressor housing:
PATENT NO: 3.058 787

Turbine housing:
A/R 48



I tried to find what it was for like the last hour googling lol. Closest thing I came up with based off part number and stuff was a Z31 300zx turbo. I can't find any pics of a factory z31 turbocharger though so that's why i'm not sure. ( Literally been searching since you posted the topic lol)


Sweet! Nice job on finding pics I couldn't find any of it anywhere


New Member
Awesome! Great job on finding that info so fast! So according to the site that you linked, it should be an '84 Garrett T3 (air cooled)? That being said, any generic Garrett T3 Rebuild kit would probably work on this turbo too hey?

Im also kind of curious as to what that secondary port on the turbo is for? I know one will be output boost pressure, but that second one, thats on the compressor housing, what could that do, it looks like they have them connected together in the picture, and looks like they tie into the waste gate? This turbo will be run with an external waste gate for my application.
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Not a M0derator
water cooled, oil lubricated.

The port on the comp housing is for the wastegate boost source.


I use a airesearch (garrett) turbo on my car and it has the water cooling port on my car, It's recommended to use it to get the most life out of your turbo. Muckman can tell me if i'm wrong but pretty sure the water runs through the turbo once you turn off the car to cool it down after you shut it off. Example would be if you just ran at the drag strip and it's pretty hot and you killed the car water would start flowing through the turbo to cool it down so it doesn't mess anything up front shutting it down while it's hot. If you don't run the water cooling you can let the car idle for alittle bit after you make your run to let it cool and prevent that.


Not a M0derator
Running water lines is not optional on water cooled turbos. The volume of oil that passes through the CHRA of water cooled turbos is not adequate to lubricate AND cool them down too. If you dont want to mess with water lines then get an oil cooled turbo.


New Member
I was defiantly thinking that it was water cooled, going by the pictures, and what that site was saying, but looked over the turbo and cant find another inlet(or an outlet) that the coolant would flow through, there's just the main oil flanges feeding the center section, and nothing else.?

Despite getting a decent deal on the turbo and manifold, im starting to think i would have been better off buying a turbo that i knew about already.


No fucks given.
I'm guessing that it's an air cooled turbo from an 84 300zx then since you can't find any water lines.