what sleeves and where to get it done


New Member
ok i just bought a gsr bottem end for $200. i want to have it sleeved and i was just wondering what sleeves you guys recomend. i have read up on darton benson and eagle sleeves and all three seem really good. which one do you guys think i should go with? im sooting for 350-400 hp with boost. this isnt my first build just my first turbo build. what do you guys think?


Stinkin & Drinkin
eagle iron ductile sleeves. but be careful these after market sleeves tend to "sink". have them professionally put in by a machine shop. check the yellow pages then the internet.


New Member
what can be done so the will not sink also i hear alot of people talkin bout the darton sleeves how do you feel about them are they any good? thanks for the help