What is this?


New Member
I'm in the process of cleaning the interior of my DA, since the previous owner gutted everything from the seats back, but I'm wondering what this is:

In the upper left corner of the picture, there is some sort of unit covered by blue plastic. There seems to be another one on the passenger side which isn't covered. What is it? ABS?


Active Member
That's the VTEC solenoid broski.

I'm kidding. I can't even see what you're talking about. :(


haha, dont listen to them, they are just messing around with you, that blue stuff is the cover to your turbo. :p


RS owner
wow. really guys? thats messed up..

thats the damper adjustment solenoid to adjust suspension stiffness.

:thumbs up

Posted from my Microwave using Tapatalk


New Member
Okay smartasses. I only ask out of curiosity, since I was going through my interior to paint. It's the automatic seatbelt motor.

Ended up getting a trunk floor built, which will be carpeted black.

Also painted all of the exposed metal satin black. First two pictures are from after I ran out of paint. Last one is the final product.

Thanks for the help.


New Member
Nice job. How are you reinforcing the middle where the spare donut is suppose to be? I plan on doing this to my integra soon as my trunk is gutted
Well the floor I built is 2 seperate pieces. They they share a center beam that I put parallel with the car. It rests on a trunk support on the inside very back of the car, and on the top of the other side of the spare tire well. I wish I had a better picture for you, but it works great. The floor itself is 1/4" plywood subfloor.


New Member
Well the floor I built is 2 seperate pieces. They they share a center beam that I put parallel with the car. It rests on a trunk support on the inside very back of the car, and on the top of the other side of the spare tire well. I wish I had a better picture for you, but it works great. The floor itself is 1/4" plywood subfloor.
Ahh gotchya. I was just thinking of finding the oem donut to put back into it so then i wouldn't have to worry about adding a support beam across the spare spot making it flush i would hope, so i could just lay ply wood across it with no issue's?


New Member
Ahh gotchya. I was just thinking of finding the oem donut to put back into it so then i wouldn't have to worry about adding a support beam across the spare spot making it flush i would hope, so i could just lay ply wood across it with no issue's?
Well, we got it to sit flat after a bit of tinkering. I'm not sure about the other generations.