what did you wire the LED halo to?


New Member
we just installed halo headlights on my friends integra
we just spliced and connected them(with connecters that looked like those) to the non blinker corner lights
that way they light up when you turn your driving/parking lights on.
so far so good



New Member
i hooked mine up to the non blinking corner light also. but one of the already burned out cause condensation got into my cheap headlights.


in need of 3gen ac shell

yeah i wired mine up with the the parking non blinking as well ....a friend of mine wired his so when he turns the key on they come on ....just something different.....and oh yeah i didnt silicone mine either....oh well one more thing to do this weekend


teg driver
ya this is crucial, otherwise those Halos will get moister in them and stop working... and then all that money is gone,

i just bought some and im using a TON of silicone sealer on them
