What are your guys opinion on a manual conversion?


New Member
Thinking of converting my DA into manual but i dont get much positive feedback. Maybe cause im not asking car enthusiasts. Also what would be the pros & cons of it & is it easy & reliable? Whats your guy's take on this?


New Member
I'm no expert but used to have an auto 95 civic coupe and was thinking doing of a conversion.
Everyone I've spoken to and on every forum I read (alot) there's an overwhelming opinion that it's not worth doing.
I think it's just too costly to do a swap when you could just sell and start with manual as a base.
I think a conversion is around 1-2k plus labour

DC Guardian

Uniqueness defines
Id advise u against it, since u did not even research prior to asking that question.

I myself am doing it this summer, some people invested too much into their car to simply sell and get a manual.

Sent from my DC4


Fat guy in a little coat.
Do it.

Just make sure you do it right, a second hand is useful for advice and troubleshooting too.
