What are Trader Ratings?


Super Moderator
It was added a couple days ago. It's basically a buy / sell rating like what eBay has. This is supposed to help the sales in CI.


Super Moderator
When you sell something the person can leave feedback (Trader Rating) on you on how well you did with the sale. It's the same thing as the feedback rating on eBay.


iTrader Rating

*helps u make the process of buying and selling much easier and better

why? cuz u can see the seller or buyer's previous transactions, if they had good communcation, on time, and made payments and came through etc...

once u have a for sale "item" and somebody on CI buys it for u, once the transaction is complete, u can give the buyer a "Positive" or "Negative" depending on the process of the transaction. leave comments for all members to read

to add a postive or neg. feedback click on the number next to the members " iTrader Rating " that will lead u to their feedback page. just fill that out and link to FS thread is required for proof.

so next time u buy...look at members iTrader rating, to see if u will have a smooth transaction or not


so the seller gives the buyer a +Positive feedback they get (1) point in their Trader Rating for other members to see, and they buyer can give the seller a +postive as well, so both get points

but they can also happen with getting a -neg feedback for example,.....bad product...late payment...etc..


Super Moderator
I cleaned this thread up. Please quit posting useless garbage. There's already a thread for that.