weird idle have tried almost everything


New Member
ok now i know theres a lot of right ups on this problem but none really match my issue the car starta and runs great no bogging or anything the only problem is when i come to s stop it will idle at 1100 then drop to 750-800 then back up to 1000 then down to 500 and back up then the idle rests at 500 it does this every time i come to a stop i have replaced the ignition coil, module, dizzy cap and rotor and ive also cleaned the iacv and i properly burped the cooling system the only thing i havent touched is the fitv but it doesnt seem like that could cause this but im going to try cleaning it today since i dont know how many miles this car really has on it any ideas would be great


New Member
Just for shits and giggles, pull the battery cable for a minute and reset the ECU. Maybe it just needs to relearn....


New Member
i would pull the terminals and the fuse to just to make sure theres zero charge let it sit for a few min


DB8 Whore
I had the same problem and I found out it was a bad throttle body gasket. Take the intake tube off and start the car, place your finger over the bottom hole inside the throttle body and see if the car idles steadily. If it does, then it's your gasket. Good luck!


New Member
well im gonna go check it out thanks for the advice anybody has any other ideas just let me know also there is no cel just another tid bit of info


Yolo Whippin'
the FITV is the problem if it happens at cold. I suggest cleaning it anyways. are your valves in spec?
Also unplug the iacv set the idle let it run for 2 minutes clear the code and then start it back up. Thats the proper way to relearn the idle


New Member
ill try re setting the idle and im not sure about my valves the p.o. had the engine rebuilt i can tell that much but they used rtv on the valve cover and i havent had the money for a gasket so i have popped it open yet also he had the ignition time advanced as far as the dizzy would turn i retarted it back some but not al the way to factory specs could that cause this?


New Member
well i was wrong there was a gasket it was just slathered in rtv the on the valves that are closed though seem like there a lil loose im gonna set the lash on them that could help im sure


New Member
ok well its running a lot better i checked my fitv and it wasnt dirty enough to bother cleaning it i set my valve lash they were all off by couple thousands and i reset my timing she runs the best she ever has thank u all for the ideas