Water Leak Under My Rear Seats!!!!!!


I just removed my Rear seats to install my new rear speakers but when i was about to unbolt the 10mm for the seats i felt water (my rear seat where soak from the bottom but i couldnt tell if i were sitting on them). I have no clue where the leak is from but how do i reseal it up so it doesnt leak anymore? Anywhere i should look for in particular? Its a 94 and im sad i thought my car was flawless well just maybe the interior :( Tomorrow morning im going to check under my spare tire to see if there is any other leaks. :twisted:

Thanks please help me out

Water Here!

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New Member
i have an rs (no sunroof) and still get a small leek not much...might be coming from the tails


Solid Snake kills himself
I get water in my trunk, and when I lift the trunk lid, there's water sitting where the latch is ... I'm thinky old trunk trim. I drive an Accord btw lol

I'd like to know how he's getting this leak also ...


It's not just from the sunroof, could also be the drain for the trunk. Keep your seat out and get a hose running on the top of the car, and trunk, where ever you need. Then sit and wait, you'll see where it's coming from.


New Member
I had water in my hatch for the longest time and eventually found its way up to the rear seats. Later realized that my taillights were leaking. I got some new tails and no more water! Yes, It could also be your sunroof drain tube, or your weather sealings. BUT! If you havent checked your taillights yet, do so at once