Viper alarms, experiences/opinions?


New Member
Time to get some security on my 98 rs.

Trying to decide between the $400 or $200 one. Anyone have any experience with viper alarms?

what's your opinion.


New Member
I had a viper 5901 on my 97 RS and it worked great. Only downfall is no remote start if you even consider that a downfall. lol all in all on a 1-10 scale I give it a 8.5 out of 10 due to the side buttons on the 2 way remote they're kinda hard to push at least it seemed so to me. you should also try clifford I hear they're awesome as well. good luck


New Member
X2 and I had a Clifford one that was awesome!!! But for these cars find a good one that has strut sensors hood sensors and a 2way pager


New Member
i don't know what system i have, but im assuming its the nice one. i have the remote thats blue with the little screen on it, and my car is a fotress haha. the shock sensor is perfectly sensitive, not too much, not too little, and if you get in the car and don't start it in like 60 seconds i think, the doors lock you in, the alarm goes off, you can't start the car, and you can't turn off the alarm with the remote unless you get out of the car, which is sorta annoying but its good for safety! i love mine


New Member
are you referring to the best buy viper models?

400 for the remote/alarm start with install?

200 for just the alarm?

i got the 5701. the 400 for alarm and remote start on my 95 se.
totaled out to 469 before some rebates i had from points.
its been like three weeks and im still really liking it.
not that anyones trying to steal my car but the start from my apartment in the basement is pretty good.