Very Loud Screeching


Keep It Clean Yo!
first off i had my local acura dealer do a brake inspection about one month ago and they said everything is fine and nothing needs to be done because i have plenty of pad left...

but now to the problem...

i was backing out of my drive way today and as soon as i put it in first.. i hear a very nasty screeching noise.. it does not only happen when im in gear or braking.. but whenever the car is moving period.. it was coming from the right side of my car... i could not really tell if it was my brake pads.. wheels or anything..

if i could describe the noise.. sounded like something metal rubbing into something.

now to the weird part..

after driving to the acura dealer, the noise just stopped as in vanishes..

what could have been the problem? i didint see anything hanging or touching the street...

any ideas?


Super Moderator
whelel bearings? its kinda hard to describe a noise but thats a possibility if its not your brakes

Ominous G2

Maybe it was a rock in your brakes, and it came out. :what:

I know when I worked at honda we had that happen a few times. Sounded like a cheep cheep cheep noise.


BIg Asian Fella
ok rock inbetween the pads, shim hiting the rotor, dust guard rubbing, pad that is set in wrong, wheel bearing is the last of the things i can think of.
