vB Garage???


New Member
I want to post pictures on the vB Garage but my pictures are not showing up. I enterd my car or whatever and then i go down to submit pictures and i put the picture in and go submit and my comp loads and shit and then it still doesnt show the pictures in the vb garage. does anyone know how to do it or what i am doing wrong. thanks


Super Moderator
Moved: Site Problems

I ran into the same problem, but it was with the uploading the image. It said something about the script. I didn't know wtf was going on so I just gave up on it.


New Member
Hmm thats fucked . mine doent say anything it just goes back to the vb garage but i have no pics up


New Member
I have no idea. nothing pops up or anything its like it works but there are no pictures. i dont know its weird. I was able to post them in the gallery but not in the vB Garage.
