used built block buy?


New Member
I found a b18b ls bottom end that has been sleeved and has aftermarket pistons and rods, all it needs apparently is rings and bearings and gaskets, It doesn't sound like a horrible deal but the guy told me that the motor locked up at 2500rpm. He said the walls look fine and it wont need anything but a hone if it needs that. My questions and concerns are these parts even reliable, he says they have less than 5k miles on the build. Other than bent rods or f'd pistons, im more really worried about the block and sleeves. i believe the sleeves are dart sleeves. He told me it was sleeved and bored back out to 1.8l, my question is on that is shouldn't the sleeves be already at that 1.8 and you would bore them out to a 2.0? Im not paying anything cash for this im just trading a b16a2 block that needs rebuilt and a vtec pr3-3 head. I just don't want to waste my time and parts getting these if there no good. And if I have to bore the cylinders out, can I get rings to compensate for just .020 bored or do I have to upgrade in piston size?