unusual constant high low idle


New Member
yesterday evening i went to start my car 93 d16z6 civic and some thing was wrong with the car..usually it idles at about 2k for a few secs then it goes down to 1k but when i started it yesteday it was going from 1500-2500 at idle..even after i drove the car hopme 45 minutes eveytime i stopped it still kept idling like that i chekced everything i could..i looked for a vacuum leak, changed the map sensor.reset the battery..and it nothing worked so far..2morrow at work im gunna see if one of the mechanics can look at my car and see wut the problem is..its never done this b4..does anyone have any idea of wuts happening..and has it happened to u b4 and how did u fix it..and excuse to why this is happening would b very appreciated. :???: and i had the IAC sensor checked to

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