Uh oh..


Resident Hoodrat
I installed my shark attack II today and when i was reassembling the trunk i either nudged the radio plug or when i pullled the trunk light through i pulled a wire but, my dome light, interior lights, intermitent and fluid spray wiper settings, hazard and rear defroster lights do not work. What do i do????


Legalize Illegal Aliens
Take the trunk light out and fix the wire you pulled. Then replace the fuse under the dash.


Resident Hoodrat
everything appears to be connected, the wire was actually fine. and the fuse box is in order

how do i check grounding?


Well-Known Member
You dont need to check your grounds.

You pulled a wire and
A. blew a fuse or
B. did not reconnect that wire.

Check your fuses again. Then check the few fuses in the engine bay (Box near battery, the 7.5 amp fuse would probably be the one out)