turtle wax headlight restorer


New Member

this shit is amazing. my headlights were semi messed up, but now theyre super clear and look brand new...takes like 30 mins at max to do all 4 lights...

i highly recommend all of you to do it.


New Member
didnt take one right away but i have a pic of my front end from this weekend i think...
andi can go take a pic right now of the after


New Member
pix or it never happend lol

No that one and the one from meguiers are really good.... you should put wax oveer them, they seem to stay longer if you do that


Cool. I used the Meguiars Headlight and Clear Restoration Kit. It cleaned up the headlights, but I still see some yellow. I might try this out too. :)


basically, i like fast!
If you REALLY want to make your headlights look like new. Go to walmart and buy the 3M headlight restoration kit. You literally sand down the yellowness and pits. Doesnt take but like 1 1/2 hours. only 20 bucks. Did it to mine and they look fantastic! Night and day differnce. Then maybe put on what OP is saying


New Member
I can vouch for OP! I just did this on Sunday. Only thing different I did was use 1000 grit wet sandpaper prior to using the kit. Will up load before and after pics shortly!


New Member
Yep and I picked those up with a set of OEM amber corners with no broken tabs for 40 bucks! They look almost new!