turbo set up HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
i need help installing my turbo i dont kno wher to put the oil return an sending lines also can somebody help me on how to install my boost controll wirering is hard for me email me at [email protected] an tell me how or send me a vid please help me get my turbo workin


You really should learn to work Google. It's this amazing search engine that does all the work for you.

Assuming you have the oil feed and return lines already and you already have the flanges to attach them to the turbo:
The easiest way to run a feed line to your turbo is to get an oil sandwich plate.

It goes between the motor and the oil filter and has ports for fittings so you can run different things off of it. I am running my feed line off of one of those. It's also a good idea to run an oil pressure gauge.

The return line should obviously come from the turbo and go to your oil pan. The line should not loop anywhere and should have a direct flow to the oil pan. You need to have a fitting welded into your oil pan or install an aftermarket oil pan with the return line tap already in it.

Please research a little more before you slap this turbo on your motor.


J13 sooo mad
Prozon is correct, run your feed from a sandwich plate. Easiest way to do it. Run a -3an feed line. If you run a -4an line youll need a restrictor.

You need to have a bung welded into your oil pan in the correct location for the return line. The return line on your turbocharger should always be up and down because oil needs to drain via gravity. if there is a kink in the line, where it allows the oil to pool, that is bad. Avoid that at all costs.