Tray Sliding


Money Getter
you were having a little bit too much fun...

next time use metal trays with some kind of heat shield buffer


New Member
slikk said:
you were having a little bit too much fun...

next time use metal trays with some kind of heat shield buffer
wouldn't the sparks from the metal trays be dangerous?


Money Getter
inferno said:
wouldn't the sparks from the metal trays be dangerous?
the sparks will be fine .. you never see the chains under the ambulances sparking?


Money Getter
GSRawe said:
There is chains under ambulances?
yes there are chains under ambulances .. like a chain curtain of some sort draging to eliminate static charge build up i guess


The Transporter
slikk said:
yes there are chains under ambulances .. like a chain curtain of some sort draging to eliminate static charge build up i guess
ill have too look next time.