transmission problem


New Member
ok ive been having a problem with my trans. it acts like its not going into third and all it will do is grind. so im afraid that my gear is gone completely but my linkage is very loose. could the linkage bushing be the problem and if i was going to replace the trans what would be a good trans to go with i was thinking b16 trans but would i have to do some kind of hydro/cable conversion?


Resident Asshole
Most likely a 3rd gear synchro going out (very common on B series transmissions). Are you pressing the clutch in all the way, I know it sounds stupid but if your not then that could be the culprit to the grinding noise.

As for which trans to get you can use any cable b series transmission without needed a cable to hydro conversion. They offered jdm b16 transmissions in cable format, some even came with a factory LSD


New Member
yea clutch is pressed in all the way has correct amount of fluid but when i put it into third and let off the clutch all it does is grind wont go into gear at all just grinding. and thanks for the swap info


Resident Asshole
Most likely the synchro then....btw you gotta be careful when/if you get a different trans. If you buy a 90-91 transmission you need a 90-91 clutch, if you buy 92-93 trans you need 92-93 clutch
