Transmission issues


New Member
Recently i have been having issues with my tranny. When im shifting from second to third most times it grinds. Its usually when when im over 3000rpm. I was told it was a synchro. If thats so how would i go about replacing them myself if i wanted to?


RS owner
you're gonna have to take the tranny out and have it rebuilt.

i say, pick up another tranny, have that looked at or rebuilt, new clutch and parts, and throw that in.


Make sure you're not shifting gears too quickly. I once thought there was a synchro problem with 5th gear, but then I found out that I was speed shifting and I would hear a "grunch" when I went into 5th. When you move the gear lever, stop at neutral for about 3/4 of a second to give the gears time to line up. And if that doesn't work, learn to double-clutch. :D It's worth a shot.
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