Transmission Clunk.


Please for the love of God, give me some good news..

I'll throw you a little back story and see if anyone can answer my question.. So I bought this Integra, had a bad engine. I bought an engine, engine spun a rod bearing.
Rebuilt the engine.. here I am now.

I installed the rebuilt motor tonight. (Every part of the motor was worked on.) I turned it over, let it build oil pressure. Then I started it up. Let it idle for awhile, checked for leaks. ect.. When it came to the actual "driving" portion of the break in, I noticed the clutch was a little tough to get into gear. I drove it down the street and it shifted fine. Well as fine as a transmission shift with 273k on it could be..
I got it back into my shop and noticed this hellish knocking. My first thought was.. ROD BEARING? However.. with a grand total of one mile on a brand new engine.. I disregarded that.

After listening around it sounds like the knock is coming from the transmission. More so in the starter area, I've determined its coming from there. (Either that, or it's #4 piston?) So is it possible that the transmission itself could be whats making the knock? What part of the transmission would be knocking..

Could also be the clutch? I have no idea how many miles are on the clutch.. but the transmission has somewhere around 274,000 miles on it. Could I have effed up something while installing the motor? Input shaft get a little off and tweak something or another?

It shifts into gears "fine." But I don't want to run the engine with the way this is all sounding. It sounds HELLISH, and i'm afraid to start it now because I don't know if its the ENGINE or the TRANSMISSION making noise. The noise seems to die down quite a bit if I push in the clutch. (Tried adjusting the cable too.) But the noise is still there regardless if the clutch is in or out, or if it's in gear or not. With the engine off and the transmission in gear, I was turning the crank and could hear a knock at a certain part. However I put it in neutral and could not recreate the knock..

It's almost 4am, i'm a little ticked off. Sorry if this is all jumbled up and crappy to read.
I'll report back after I get a good.. long.. angry nap.


sounds to me like its something inside the transmission since you said the noise gets quieter when you push in the clutch and with the transmission in neutral the noise going away. when you had the transmission out did the input shaft have and in and out play? Id take off the transmission and check to make sure the throwout bearing and everything is fine


I don't need comments like that. You could be a little more descriptive. There are a LOT of parts in the transmission.
Input shaft bearing?

I was kind of thinking so. Jabes, the input shaft did not have any play when I put the engine in.


how old are the axles? just wondering because I had a crx that i was working on the other day that everytime you would put it into gear it would make a clunking noise, it turns out that the axle was worn out. Another possibility could be maybe you swapped the left axle with the right axle when you were installing them. Does the axle boot rubber look stretched out? Because if it is then you probably swapped axles onto the wrong sides. If its none of those then it sounds like its either something inside of the transmission with the gears and youd just have to take out the transmission and look around for the problem or just get another cable trans.


Why do cars do this to us. You fix one thing, then something breaks as soon as you put it back together, so you gotta tear it apart again. Bullshit


It is bullshit lol.

No the axles and trasnmission were not removed, so I couldn't have mixed those up. The noise is always constant, knocking and such, but it is a lot quieter with the clutch in. I can still drive it and shift it. I just drove it out of my shop, turned it around and backed it in. But there's a constant noise.


I just had my uncle over, at first he thought it was the valves.. we got passed that.. and he agreed it sounded like the rear of the transmission/engine..

So we got under it and moved the crank and flywheel.. HOLDING the crank in place, the flywheel turns one tooth..
My uncle thinks the crank is broken right at the rear main seal.

How the FUCK do I break a crank driving one mile?
Still need to pull the oil pan and see.. just want some input.
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ACL Main and Rod bearings included.
I don't need them lol. I've got brand new bearings with a mile on them. :p

I'm going to pull the oil plug and see how the oil looks...


The problem was my flywheel. Got that taken care of, bolts torqued down.. reinstalled the engine and it runs like ass.
Seems to me that the timing is off.. it's idling low and backfiring. Normally I would jump right on the timing, but I was positive the timing marks were perfect when I put the belt on.

Guess i'll update my build thread and rant there now. -_-


Yeah. I torqued it to spec and it apparently was not seated right or something. Pulled the motor and it was all loose. Torqued them down to spec again, and then tapped the flywheel with a rubber mallet, then torqued them again. All is good now.

Also the misfire would be because my friend set up my spark plug wires on the cap in the wrong order.. last time I get help from him. -_-

My bad I suppose. But it's all good now. Drives great. I just need to put a windshield in it before I can drive it again.