trans and motor question


New Member
Hey here's a question I. Been wondering. Can I use a ys1 cable trans from a b18a1 with a b16a1 that came with a y2 cable trans from the early tegs and crx's. Give the feedback. Thnx


yes, all b series trannys are interchangeable, a simple google search would have told you that.


New Member
Hey here's a question I. Been wondering. Can I use a ys1 cable trans from a b18a1 with a b16a1 that came with a y2 cable trans from the early tegs and crx's. Give the feedback. Thnx
Ok... so heres what I got. You want to use a B18 LS tranny on a B16 Engine???

#1.Heres the problems you might run into. Depending on the tranny the clutch from a B16 tranny might not fit the B18. 90-91 is different than 92-93. If it's the first gen B16 tranny I think it might fit the 90-91 Clutch... Not sure. Check on that.

#2. The B18 tranny is going to lag maddddddd crazy on the B16. Those engines are meant to have shorter gears. You'll lose performance greatly


New Member
@cripton. True shit the b16 did come with a lil more power. Ight thnx. Ill just get the trans too
