tranny swap help


New Member
hi guys, i'm a newbie to the club and the integras so please help me out, ok here is my problem, i want to swap my tranny out because mine is starting to slip so i have a 1997 auto tranny from a 2 door integra and i want to know if i can swap it to my 1990 ls 4 door integra, so really just need to know if i need like a new ecu and all that and both cars have the same engine so get back to me


Yolo Whippin'
the trannies are different but bolt up. the DA is cable while the DB is hydro, you need a conversion. hassport has one i think for cable to hydro.


save a a porno
so to be better off i might as well find the same year and model as my car to avoid all of that?
the kit is actually rather i\easy to do hardest part is doinfg the trans reservior other then that its a cake thats if you want to do it best bet trade trans for sec gen ls trans


New Member
thanks for the advice but also is there another tranny that has a lower rpm? that i can swap in, say like the rs model or so? doing 100km i am at 3100 rpm
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