Touge Gating (in my teg)


New Member
It was man.The vid makes it look like we were doin 25mph but we had a good pace but we werent goin crazy fast either.I had a blast.


New Member
seems way faster than 25 lol idk of any vtec that craks @ 25 mph lmao seems like its dead over there real quiet


New Member
As u can tell, on the first vid they were a bit beat up but the got better like on the second vid.We were doing it for like over an hour.


Active Member
your vtec sounds mean :cry:. The road condition looks hella mean as well, a griippppp of cracks from the start but nice touge man :thumbs up


I <3 Boost
man i wish i knew of roads like that :???:

but looks like tons of fun man, your crossover is agressive as hell, i like :D