To buy or not to buy?


New Member
if the title is clean go for it and im sure if u go to him with cash he will lower it a 100 just tell him your a 100 short but DEFINATELY car fax the car i almost brought a civic hs and after i car faxed it i found out it was totaled twice


New Member
that is not worth 7.5 k or anything around that! call the guy and tell him that you have $ 5,000 CASH and you'lll buy it right now, if he agree's then cool you got the car....but if he gets mad and starts cursing just turn off the phone or something! i always give those type's of offers! this guy in nor-cal was selling a 94 integra gsr, 105k miles,rims,lowered,lips,i/h/e,couple other extra's...and he had the car priced at $ 8k and i asked him how much was the lowest he would take and he said about 6.5k and i said would you take $ 5k CASH and he said no not $ 5k..but he would take about $5.5k ya thats what you should do i always do it! and ya that car is not worth it in my opinion!


New Member
its how u bargin with them...u start off the bait...and reel them in by your price. Then you'll reach a compromise.


New Member
go to or and look up the price. Then use that for bargaining. It is not worth 7.5k.