

Keep on Truckin
i dunno...i was just asking a question. my car feels like it wants to go, but for some reason its hesistant. like it soundds strong, and gets going, but feels like its not running right. also the gas pedal gets real stiff about half way down...but i cant think of why or how...


Keep on Truckin
i have dont the tune up stuff over time. so yeah pretty much all of it has been done. the car was just like this one time when i got in the car. and its been like it ever since. its just a weird feeling. but of course no one else knows it because im the only daily driver


GS=goes slow
if the gas pedal is stiff it could be the throttle cable is bent or hanging up some place.
as for the hesatation. the TB could need cleaned or the timing could be out a little.if it has not had a timing belt done I say have it replaced.


Keep on Truckin
ok. thanks. i know the throttle body is clean. i cleaned it like 6 thousand miles ago when i put on my intake... how can i reset the timing? and is the belt on integras hard? what could the pedal have gotten caught on? how can i find te bend or where its caught?


GS=goes slow
well replacing the timing belt is hard if you've never done one don't try just have it done.
as for the throttle cable it could be stretched but I doubt that it's most likely the timing is off just a hair or IDK what else it could be.

oh maybe the fuel filter has that been changed?
my car ran sluggish till I changed my fuel filter.


Keep on Truckin
ill have to try the fuel filter... im pretty sure that has beeen the one thing that i havent done, and im not sure if it was ever done before.


Keep on Truckin
well, i replced the fuel filter, and it definately helped wiht the idling problem i was having...but didnt really help me with my other problem. how much slack is suppoed to be in the throttle cable?