Time for a change?


Super Moderator
What the hell is going on? It seems that all the time now, someone is bitching at someone, there’s bickering going on and people just acting really immature. Now, I didn’t really know what was going on with the whole MoJo thing, but what is done is done. I don’t know if he was trying to be banned or whatever the case may be, but a good 75 – 80% of the threads and posts created are complete bullshit.

Now, I know this forum is more laid back than Team-Integra, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. It’s getting out of hand. I can’t stand seeing new threads created that have absolutely no purpose and give nothing back to the forum. It’s useless, mindless internet garbage. I think it needs to stop.

The lounge is the biggest area of offense. There’s not to many guidelines in there and some people push the limits of what is acceptable. I believe that the lounge is an off topic area that can’t be placed inside another section of the forum. It can be tech or auto related or it can be something else. But it seems that most of the threads are about stupid crap. I’m sorry, but I don’t come here to bicker, fight or act like a little high school kid.

In short, I believe something needs to be done about the amount of garbage that is posted and created in this forum. I’ll be talking with the mods about this and hopefully we can get back to where Club Integra was cool and full of information and cool ass people.


07 BMW 328Xi
well said. mods are here for a reason ^ and you just proved it. i agree, i believe all the useless threads that are in the lounge should be deleted rather than locked. just to minimize the issues of navigating the forums. maybe there should be a (3) thread limit per unit of time. and bashing is a major problem, some the threads i made for suggestions i ended up deleting because it was full of insults. im not pointing any fingers. i love this site, come on it every 5 minutes.

hey this is a forum suggestion. and i'd like to suggest. ya dig? 8)


well there must have been a reason why kevin was so pissed off, there's always 2 stories to it, whatever it might be, i dont kno. looks like all the mods are backing each other up on this one and there are ppl backing kevin up. so i'm pretty sure its not just his fault.


Super Moderator
It really doesn't matter who's fault it is. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.


there's stuff i want to say in this thread but fear that some mods might be offended, and stuff i like to say to other members but they might be offended as well.....i'm new and i dont kno everybody...so i just look at it from a 3rd person's point of view


I ♥ My Integra
lets just stop the bullshit and have it backthe way it was before a laid back chill place for integra enthusiast to mett.


i think its more than just the threads...its the ppl who post in those threads, there's alot of tension between ppl and ppl who are control the boards are involved aswell...no offense to any mods or members, just how i see it


Super Moderator
There is tension between people. I think these people just need to chill. If I want to emerse myself in stupid ass drama, I'll go to Honda-Tech.

Edit: I cleaned this thread up a little bit. This thread is not meant to have stupid ass comments. There's 18597479429729 other threads for that.


a.k.a. crabs!
^ but if the forum was strictly car talk and only that then i honestly dont think all the active members would be as tight as we are. i mean were sorta like a family here. yeah theres pointless threads and stuff cause we all like to have a good time and try to share with others... and the lounge where we can talk about whatevers on are mind. i mean without that we probably would all be tight asses cause we wouldnt know everyones personality and shit. all this (at least for me) has pretty much shown me where i can draw the line on what offends who and all that so i know whos touchy about what subjects ya know? and it almost puts more of a trust in other members when buying/selling. this is just my opinion though. i really dont see it as being that bad. its all contained in the lounge which is there for a reason. to speak about off topic things. once useless threads leak out of the lounge then yeah its a problem. and i know theres posts in threads outside the lounge that are maybe bashing other members about something but i feel that everyone knows its not meant to offend anyone. but hey i guess mods gotta do whatever it is they gotta do. even if it means making the site less laid back :???: :what:


CI Transfomer God!
teg9five said:
i mean were sorta like a family here. yeah theres pointless threads and :
I with you on that, I without the ability to talk about other thingf other then cars when dont get to know each other, we would know who's joking in a thread or how is just a straight up ass.

But yeah dont just come it here and just post bullshit you know, we do want tech. info and insite to parts and ideas.

The lounge is a great place to talk about movies, whats going on the in world, and if members have personal problems they need help with...

I'd say Im well balanced with the lounge and tech info...


Super Moderator
I agree with you g3teg97. The line has to be drawn somewhere. I agree that the lounge is fine for off-topic social activity and discussions but sometimes it gets a little ridiculous. There is a bunch of instant messengers that can be used if you have a problem with someone and you want to discuss, or just to chat. The forum is here to get ideas, input, suggestions, opinions and other things like that from different veiwpoints. Alot of these ridiculously pointless threads and swearing is a just a little un-called. It is more laid back around here and I like that. But if its going to turn into one big arguement and complaint forum, then its pointless. I, personnally, would like to see some of this cracked down on. Not to the point of being a way too strict and "big-brother" like, but atleast to accomplish some law and order around here. That way everyone can get along better and the site can progress on. Talking trash to someone 700 miles away over the internet is pointless and annoying at best. I believe everyone here is old enough and mature enough to act civilized and abide by the rules. If not, then the consequences are clearly stated in the rules. I'm not pointing fingers, blaming anyone or taking any sides. None of this is my business, or many other people's for that matter. I just think we need to get back to the way this site usually is and quit all this pointless drama! :thumbs up