threads you post in??


New Member
If you go to your USER CP it will show all the threads you are subscribed too. Since im guessing you have not edited the settings im sure every thread you post in you will be subscribed to. I changed the setting i hate to have to clear the list all the time.


That's what subscribing does. You can go into our settings and auto-subscribe to every thread you post in :) These can be viewed in the User CP

Edit: Dang it Jordan, beat me to it :lol:


Well-Known Member
look to your right there is a searchbar with the words "search club integra" if you type ur username in and press enter you can see every post you have posted in.


Super Duper Moderator
Also, the threads you have posted in get a black dot over on the left. I use that when I'm going through New Posts to see where I've posted.