thread request - Hall of Fame Pictures


new driver
Omni posted a pic of a blue teg with butterfly strut bars in the rear. It's dead gorgeous and makes me want to make a special request. Can we have a Hall of Fame Top 10 Cleanest Integra Page? I know we have a Cleanest Integras Picture Thread. But I was hoping we could separate the ok from the amazing and vote on it some how. Any ideas?


new driver
Not necessarily members rides - but the best pictures ever in general. If we have a unanimous vote then that picture goes to the top 10. The result being that every integra owner should have these top 10 pictures saved on their pc. hehe

Ominous G2

How about some people chop some pics for CIs myspace page?


new driver
haha...all we need to say is the black one or the blue one and we already know what car we are all referring to. Anyways, the black and blue one get my vote also.