This sucks......


New Member
My 3rd gear syncro is starting to go out on me :cry: it's not bad yet so i'm gonna just keep moddin but i have to baby it in 3rd and i guess i'll fix it when i get the money.


New Member
That sucks. You're gonna keep modding the car with a fucked up tranny? Why don't you just use the money you have for mods and buy a used ITR tranny? A modded motor is no fun w/o a decent tranny anyway.


New Member
209SpoonDC2 said:
That sucks. You're gonna keep modding the car with a fucked up tranny? Why don't you just use the money you have for mods and buy a used ITR tranny? A modded motor is no fun w/o a decent tranny anyway.
I know but my dad won't let me right now i don't know why but i told him about it and he just said "i don't wanna hear that ur just gonna have to baby it for now" so yea i guess i should fix the tranny first it sucks because it's 500 bucks to put in a 20 dollar part.

And the tranny isn't fucked up or anything it shifts great just not going into third lol

Ominous G2

Mine does it too, just dont go second to third real quick and its fine. I give it a second then im back to floorin it.


New Member
psssh take the time and drop ur tranny, and put the 20$ part in for 20$ ahah ;) my opinion anyway...just dont F#%& it up k?? ahah jk bro! it will be better soon, good news is u can get a new tranny and re-gear it for your fav drive style....look on the positve maaaaaannnn


New Member
Get a Type R tranny! Get either a Civic Type R, or a 96-97 spec ITR, then add a 4.8 final drive. Plus, you'll have LSD! Those two trannies have quicker 4th and 5th gears compared to a JDM 98 spec ITR tranny. With the addtion of the 98spec ITR 4.8 final over the 96-97 4.4 final, you'll have much better acceleration than a stock 98 iTR tranny because of the quicker 4th and 5th combined with the newer final drive.
You can find one of those trannies used for around $900, plus $300 for the new final drive.
The main thing is you'll have greatly improved performance out of this mod. :)


New Member
Yaaay! Yaaay! That's what I'm doing w/ my Civic. I'm matching that up w/ a Spoon B18C crate motor.
That should leave the domestics in the dust. lol