Thermostat (housing?)


New Member
Hey everybody.. . .

So, at some point someone snapped off the part that holds the bleeder bolt on the thermostat housing, so I'm gonna need to replace it. I keep typing in 'thermostat housing' for searches, trying to find some prices or something, but all that keeps coming up are thermostat housing gaskets.

Any tips on what I should try? Is this gonna be a tough part to get my hands on?



Check out enter your car and search for the part. If you cannot find it by keyword just browse through the menu on the left side under 'engine." There are great diagrams Im sure you'll be able to find it there. Take the part number, and now you can search by part number.

I dont think any aftermarket companies make anything like this, and thats why a simple search isnt bringing anything up. Search Honda dealer sites, the aforementioned site, check Or just call up a dealer!


New Member
yo yo

on, they have listed a thermostat cover and a thermostat case. . . .

which one am I going for here??? they should put some accompanying pictures on the site. . .
