temp gauge install location?


so i have a new temp gauge and bought the fittings for it to hook up to the temp sending unit on the side of the head.. however i was wondering if anyone has hooked up a temp gauge to the fan switch on the side of the block near where the oil pressure sensor is located. im trying to hide the gaudy wire near the back of the engine bay


Active Member
I kept all my stock stuff so it was all functional still, I ended up just making a billet radiator hose splice to run my gauge, can't see the funky wire either which was also gonna bug the hell out of me haha.


what did u make the splice out of.. i cant see spending 30 bucks on a ring that i could just weld up. i checked auto zone and orieleys and didnt see a splice or anything that i could use... i was also thinking of putting a t into the heater inlet. but i doubt that i would get an accuate reading when its closed even tho water would still be in there


Active Member
I made mine out of billet aluminum. Yeah idk how accurate that would really be.


Active Member
Lol no. I am a Cnc machinist, and I made it out of a chunk of billet aluminum. Pics are in my build Thread on like page 10 or so..


man that must be nice. i wish i could make any part that i wanted lol. my dad would ahve been able to about 5 yrs ago, but hes retired now. imma have to probably just order one unless i can find something at the hardware store.


Active Member
Yeah its super dope.... I would offer to make one but we have been swamped. They got them around the web for pretty cheap.


so if i were to design a part or something in auto cad or 3d studio maxx would u be able to make it and ship it to me?


i actually ended up installing the temp gauge on the side of the block where the fan controll switch is near the oil pressure sensor. works well and the ugly wire is hidden now. :) will post picks when i put it back up on my lift


Active Member
That works too. Is yours mechanical or electrical? The probe on my mechanical one was too big to run that way.