Taillight problem


New Member
Hey guys im new here and as far as i can see this is a great website. Anyways im a complete noob with cars, I recently purchased a 1990 Acura Integra LS 4dr and I didn't have a problem with it until a few weeks ago i hit a car really lightly and since then on my marker lights have had a problem. So to be more specific, everytime i start driving and put my car on drive all my lights go on normally like the should except for my marker lights at the back. When i press on the breaks the all my lights go on like the should be, even my marker lights, but its only when i put in on drive when the marker lights not work. I have sent it to a local mechanic but all he did was replace a bulb and still it hasnt been fixed. I have been reading around the forums and somewhat found similar problems and it says to check my fuses but how do i even do that? anyways do guys think that i should try changing the bulbs or something? and where could i buy car lights? canadian tire or some local store? Thanks alot for your time!

oh and another thing, when my car is on park and turned off and i switch my lights on, all my lights come on even my marker lights so maybe the bulbs arnt the problem?


Registered Abuser
tough english, but it sounds like the same problem i had. check ALL your fuses, there is some under the steering wheel on the left hand side of the dash. theres a cover over them and then a drawing of what does what. theres also some in the engine but i dont think thats which one was out, just going off memory...


New Member
okay thanks i will try doing that, and sorry for the messed up english haha. Um just a quick question, when i check the fuses what am i searching for? thanks again!


Registered Abuser
okay thanks i will try doing that, and sorry for the messed up english haha. Um just a quick question, when i check the fuses what am i searching for? thanks again!
"Testing Fuses

Turn the power off and remove the fuse from the circuit to check with a multimeter set to the lowest ohms range. Connect the probes to both end of the fuse. You may check the fuse while it still in circuit. A good fuse should showed continuity or read 0 ohm. A blown fuse is open which reads infinity on the meter."

--from teamintegra.com


New Member
Oh okay thanks alot, i really appreciate it!! im gona purchase one of those tomorrow and see how it goes. If in case one of the fuses is blown, what should i do?


I have a multimeter and I know for a fact I didn't pay ANYWHERE near $300.....

But uh, to check your fuse, just pull it out and look at it.. I have no fricking idea what all that mumbo jumbo about the multimeter and the fuses was?

Look on the fuse diagram and find the one for tail lights.. pull the fuse and look to see if it's bad. If so just put a new one of the same rating in the spot.


New Member
thanks alot buddy, I havn't had the chance to check my lights yet because iv spent the whole day cleaaning my car and now its pouring out rain. anyways when you had this similar problem, what was wrong with it? were the fuse the problem for you?


Did you rear end the car? Look under your bumpers and stuff for any wiring that might have been smashed and is touching the metal of the car.


New Member
i hit it with the front of my car, i took a look at the fuse box today and the fuses seem different from the ones you provided on the picture, they have sort of like a metal zigzag instead of that black straight line and cant really tell if its broken or not anyways im going to replace both tomorrow and see if it solves the problem. thanks alot bro!


Yeah they vary from fuse to fuse.. but as long as the metal isn't gapped anywhere your fuse is good.


New Member
ohh mann i was hoping it was a fuse problem lol, could of replaced it and have it working. i hope it might not be something with the wiring cuz thats just too hard for me to do! :\

going to replace them still and see how it goes. but anyways when you had this problem, what was wrong with your car? was it the fuses or some wiring stuff?