surging problem code 43 present on 90 integra


New Member
i have a 90 integra ls automatic, it has a 43 code, replaced pump and fuel filter, and regulator and cleaned iac, car starts up one click, warms up perfect and settles down to ide at were its supposed to be but whenu give it gas it acts fine and then bogs down like it either not getting enough fuel or like the exhaust is pinched. neither are the problem changed o2 sensor also and took off cat cuz it was bad, still surges when u give it gas rpms jump all the way down to zero when u tryt o give it gas then it idles finewhen u let up any suggestions


New Member
ok well ive done everything down to the catylist except for the tps and its still throwing the 43 code but wats wierd is that the cars drives fine illswapthe tps and see what it does and do u have any idea on what cud cause the anti lock brak light to come on? i just replacedthe third brake lights and the fluid is full?


From the bay to LV
I think spooled up is on the right track. get a volt meter and check the amperage, also try checking your MFR. mine was on its way out when i was getting that error code. also check your fuses. after i swaped it out, it turns out that to fuses blew and wouldn't start. GL, hope you find it.


New Member
my fuel pressure is good i chnged the regulator im thinking it might be a mixture of distributor going bad and a faulty o2 sensor


New Member
it ended up being my distributor thnx for the help and is there a fuse or relay for the power windows i cant find it anyone know?


New Member
ok that fixed the issue but now the rpms are jumping all around and mototr wants to bog down when u give it a descent amount of gas, 43 code isnt present so what else cud it be ?


From the bay to LV
spark plugs, wires? make sure the rotor is screwed in, don't forget to check that main fuel relay.


New Member
ok i just changewd the main relay and that helped the fuel pump issue now i just replaced the fuel regulator and the car runs fine ecept for at idel it jumps rpm a lilbit till it warms up then it runs strong after but im still getn the 43 code, i changed the fuel filter, i changed the fuel pump, i cleaned the injectors, i change the distributor, i changed the plugs, i changed the fuel regulator, and o2 sensor and im still gettn the 43 code, an ideas anyone? plz help ive been at this car for monthsand cant figure the problem out


New Member
ok my da is not passing smog cuz of high nox and hcs to high any suggestions ive slaned the egr and the intake port on the egr what else cud i do?