sup everyone


New Member
hey everyone im new to this site but not so new to the integra its one of my favorite cars and im looking to buy one soon and then after that its going to be my money dump look for me on here asking a million questions :D because i have no idea what I am doing I look forward to getting involved with this community


Active Member
I like you because you put Gambit in your username. He's my favorite Marvel character.

But don't ask a million questions. We don't have a million members to answer them all :). I would say do plenty of thread searches on what you're looking to do, if you can't find what you're looking for, then ask :thumbs up

And definitely do not bump old threads if the original question in that thread has been answered. Be sure to post some pics of your purchase too. We love pics here. Enjoy your stay!


New Member
Are you implying that because he has a favorite marvel character he's a child?

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