stupid windshield guy!! you can go to hell.


i called up this shop and had one of the employees come out to change my windshield since there was a big crack in it (eye level lol) and two more rock chips, compliments of big rigs and really windy days on the freeway. so this REALLY cute guy comes over and changes it, but i'm sick so i didn't feel like sitting outside to watch him. long story short, i checked my car a while ago and there are a few new scratches around the windshield area. :angryfire just because you're cute, doesn't mean you can get away with shit like that! he didn't even mention it. a "i'm sorry, i scratched your car..." would do the trick because it's not like my paint's in tip-top condition or anything. whatever, though. i'm just irritated.

first scratch i noticed when i inspected his job closely...

second scratch on the driver's side...

lookie the top where he taped the windshield off. there's more tape on the passenger side...

so i peeled back some of the tape because i thought it was kinda fishy after i saw the other scratches....

so thank you, asshole, for all my new scratches. you're not so cute to me grrrr

alright gotta go drop something off now. i'm done with my bitching for now.


teg9five said:
call them bitches up and complain
if he's trying to cover the big one up with tape that he knows i will eventually remove, i doubt he's going to admit that he scratched it.

like i said, my paint's not in perfect condition right now, so i'm planning on getting a paint job after i get a few things done to it. it just irks me that he wasn't honest about it. it's not like he accidently did it and didn't notice. he fucking TAPED that shit to cover it! at first i thought maybe my seal wasn't even so he needed more tape in that area. whatever, though. dumb hooker.

...and i just noticed he didn't even spell 'integra' right on the receipt. you dumb beezy, it's not an 'INTERGA', it's an 'INTEGRA'! okay i'm done. lol ahhhrrraaaaaaaawwwwwrrrrrrr


JDM_Conv3rsion said:
:lol: if i saw you i'd probably wanna scratch your car too.
why? lol so i'd call you back? i know you want me, but that's fucked up. control your urges.


^ dude, i think you have enough as it but i'll hook you up anyway. CI discount.


Super Duper Moderator
Scratches make you sleeper. :)

Last time I had my car painted, they created more scratches, they created almost as many as they got rid of. I've become expecting to be disappointed when I have body work done, so I don't bother complaining about small stuff anymore. Only one body place I've gone to go the job done right the first time, 1 for 5. And all that was just painting a new rear bumper and putting it on the Teg, you'd really have to go out of your way to fuck that up. People don't give a fuck, unless you car's worth $40,000+.