Stuck in Neutral


New Member
I bought a 1996 Integra SE Stock a week ago. Shifting was very smooth. Fast forward 1 week later on, shift is getting hard. Today I was driving around and I was going about 20 mph in 3rd gear and needed a downshift. Shift into 2nd but it doesn't let me. Shift back into 3rd and it doesn't let me. All the cars behind me was honking because I counldn't get my car into gear. I popped it into 3rd with some force and got a small grind. I had the clutch depressed down all the way and shifting still got some grinds which leads me to think that there is probably a problem with the clutch.

After messing around I found out that the only way to shift now is to just do it very fast so it doesn't grind.
How to fix?
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07 BMW 328Xi
you must be low on fluid. check that first.

EDIT: had to use someone's car as an example. ( k24ash i believe ) just incase you dont know where to look.
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Unregistered User
could be fluid, could be syncros, could be bent shift linkages....

EDIT: wait, 3rd gens use cables don't they.


Unregistered User
yeah, all automatic cars have cables, I just thought the manuals did too.

Weird. alright. lol