Stripped bolt what do i do


New Member
this is in the worst spot ever, no tool can fit in here, its the alternator belt adjustment bolt, i used a vicegrip on it and it only stripped it, although i have had this bolt off before, its just more stripped then it was anyone have any ideas on how to take off a stripped bolt? i can fit the vice grip in just not any socket wrenches or anything, its terrible,


I <3 2.4l's
just keep tryin to get it to back out. If you cant, your going to need to remove the alt. and bracket and cut the bolt out. replace and dont strip the new one.


New Member
why are you trying to remove the bolt?

you're suppose to remove the nut that is attached to it on the other side of the bracket. the bolt you're trying to remove has a locking tab that keeps it in place so you dont have to use a tool/socket to hold it when you're tightening or loosening the adjusting nut.


New Member
ahh i had this problem when i tried changing my oil when first got my car.
at autozone they have a tool that drills into the bolt, then it pulls it out or w/e
then juss get the new bolt u need from autozone
exactly what i did


You're probably going to have to remove the alternator. Then just weld a nut to it and use a wrench.

Almost all of the possible ways to get it out are going to require room to work.
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New Member
well i its not the bolt im trying to take off its the nut and it is in so tightly im just going to keep trying with the vice grips, its just cause im so good at tightening the belt hahah!

but yea ive been stuck on this alternator problem for weeks now, :( and no mechanics will take it out! Hahaha they know how annoying it is


I <3 2.4l's
shouldnt use vice grips to begin with. those will tear the head of a bolt apart. Remove the alt and replace the bolt.


New Member
The vice grips were the only tool that fit there, now its just getiting the other mounting bolt out, i have the nut off of both sides, but the bolt underneath wont come out, and i cant hit it because there is limited space, any ideas (i hate asking so many questions but i have been trying to get this car on the road and i have used all of my brain power)


New Member
honestly at this point i would just snap the nut off... probably use a nut breaker lol.

get a new bolt and nut.


New Member
Find a socket that will fit over the bolt loosely. One size larger. Using various diameter welding rods or steel pins of some sort to take up the additional space that the larger socket provides, this will usually let you get a bite on a stripped bolt head. You will be cutting the welding rods or pins to fit in the socket. You can tape them in there. Another way I have used liquid steel and cemented a socket on a bolt head, left it to harden overnight and succeeded that way too. You will be sacrificing a socket of course, and you will be buying a new bolt as well anyway, won't you...:)