Strange noises


New Member
1993 Integra GS 1.8 M/T 149000 miles. I have two sounds that occur simultaneously and last for approx 4 sec. These sounds cycle on and off at 7 -20 sec intervals. One sound is a low whistle that rises and falls in volume during the 4 sec cycle. The other is a chattering sound like holding a playing card on the spokes of a moving bicycle wheel. They occur only when moving ,in gear or out,clutch in or out. If I stop the sound will continue for that cycle but will not start again until the car is moving at approx 5 mph. If I switch the ignition off and on while moving during one of the noise cycles,the sounds will stop. After a 7-2-sec interval they will start again. There is no apparent change with engine speed changes.
The only other minor problem is unstable idle rpm. The rpm will vary 550 to 1000 espcially during A/C operation. The engine does not die. There are no trouble codes but I suspect the IAC valve or A/C signal on the rpm problem but have not check them yet. I don't know if they are related.
Any Ideas?

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New Member
The cyclic chattering sound seems to be coming from the right rear side (passenger side) of the motor. The low whistle sound is more difficult to locate. I appears to come from somwhere between the engine and firewall. They can be heard clearly until road noise begins to drown them out above about 45 mph. My concern is that this is a warning of something to come that might leave me stranded. I have put the car on stand and run it in gear. I get the same sounds.. Everthing is normal untill the wheels begin to turn. I can sit at idle or rev the engine all day and they do not ocurr.
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nothing from nowhere
The cyclic chattering sound seems to be coming from the right rear side (passenger side) of the motor. The low whistle sound is more difficult to locate. I appears to come from somwhere between the engine and firewall. They can be heard clearly until road noise begins to drown them out above about 45 mph. My concern is that this is a warning of something to come that might leave me stranded. I have put the car on stand and run it in gear. I get the same sounds.. Everthing is normal untill the wheels begin to turn. I can sit at idle or rev the engine all day and they do not ocurr.
get a piece of heater hose and use it as a stethscope and try to hone in on whats making the noise, its sounds driveline related.


New Member
If it is drive train related, why does it stop suddenly when I turn the ignition off and then on while then car is moving?


New Member
because i think u have oil on the clutch with is the chattering when u move at least that's wat haynes repair manual says and check ur powerstering fluid because when that is low it make a wining or whistling sound also.