start up question


New Member
Is it better to let the car warm up first then drive or is it ok to just
start the car and drive. revving is not included.


its better to let it warm up, but its not that crucial.

but NEVER drive it hard if its not warmed up

and just because the water temp is warm doesn't mean the oil is warm, you want the oil to be warm so it can properly lubricate everything.


New Member
who would ever want to drive it hard at cold start. only ricer would do that :D
but yeah i been warming it up before i drive, but just want to make sure.


Registered Abuser
who would ever want to drive it hard at cold start. Only ricer would do that :d
but yeah i been warming it up before i drive, but just want to make sure.
i loooove hitting that mad tyte vtakk out my driveway yooo


Not to jack this thread, but I "found" a method to reduce number of cranks needed to start a car when its really cold. I turn the engine over for about 2 or 3 compression strokes. Then I wait about 5 seconds and when I turn it over again it starts immediately. Is this wise?

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