SRS light came on and no horn?


New Member
Well my buddy told me that his srs light just recently came on today out of nowhere and his horn is not wokring. I'm just wondering if any of you guys know what the problem would be. Thanks alot.


Professional RiceR
id say if the horn stopped working as well check the fuses. Also since the airbag and horn are in the same spot (the steering wheel) maybe theyres some bad wires in there. maybe :what:


New Member
as blitzillist mentioned check the fuses and did your friend install anything lately?

you might want to check the srs wheel, might be just a loose connection behind the steering wheel.


Rated R
hey my car has the same problem but all my fuses are good. where in the wheel should i look at?


New Member
check the srs wheel. its the yellow wheel. i believe it acts as a grounding point as well for the horn.


check the cable reel. maybe the cruise control won't work either (if equipped) cause horn and cc wire pass in the cable reel
