Squeaky Clutch


New Member
I've had my 1992 Acura Integra GS for about 6 months now and I bought it at 148,000 miles and it is now at 156,000. My clutch began to squeak about 1,000 miles or so ago and it doesn't sound like an internal problem it just seems to me that it needs to be greased up. I don't really know for sure so if someone can help me on what the problem may be and how to fix it then your aid would be much appreciated.


New Member
WD40 on the spring every few hundred KM's or "miles" what ever they are...
That auta' stop the problem mate!

Might make this noob proof, the spring located ontop of the pedal, you cant miss it.. just lube it up real good ;P


New Member
Thanks man it worked...I practically had to climb into my dashboard because lucky me it wasn't the spring it was a pivot joint.


New Member
Same thing happened to me. Unfortunately it will probably come back. You would have to replace the clutch cable most likely to make it totally go away. When I did mine recently because it broke it was like night and day, and if you get one, get the OEM one, its about the same price and WAY better quality.


New Member
Around how much would it cost me for the OEM clutch cable...and is it difficult to install?


New Member
I believe it cost me around $65 which was with a slight discount because I work at a honda dealership, so maybe around $70 for you I would guess at most. Those are somewhat high estimates just so its safe. I called advanced trying to get one too because it had to be ordered from Acura, and advanced wanted like $10 more than the acura one if I recall right.