Spring problems, suggestions por favor!


New Member
Whats up guys, haven't been on here for a while since I been on some new jobs lately, anyway, me and my bro bought the same style of springs for both our cars, his is a 94- 4door LS, mines a 2- door 96ls these are the springs http://www.tanabe-usa.com/springs/nf210.asp anyway, mines started squeaking and I thought it was my shocks at first but then thought about the springs, even though they were not even a year old since I had placed them on my car, I really didn't think it was my springs, but I went ahead and placed some silicon lube on all 4, well the noise went away for about umm a week? then it started again, this time even lauder!:x Well I took the car to my local speed shop and took the springs off and put in my stocks ones back, going to test it for a week and if I don't get any noises Im going to assume it was the springs, so I ask, anyone of you ran into any problems as far as springs go and why they would start doing this? my bro's springs are not doing it and its fine like I said we bought them at the same time, Im thinking about "steam cleaning" the tanabe ones and putting them back on when and if it occurs that it was the springs, they are not cracked either I looked at them, they only seem to have sticky crap all over, but that's from the silicon lube I put on in... *sigh* oh well, let me know on any takes you guys might have, or if I should go with another type of springs, thanks!:)


Second Glance
did you try putting the lube directly on the tops and bottoms of the springs? and even in the spring hat? I use Lithium Grease or just some normal mechanics grease


New Member
yea, sprayed it on top and bottom, I like ran out of the whole can from that, but Im thinking it was the after effect from when it dry up that cause it to squeak even more, well let me mention that so far with the stock spring I have not heard any noises at all, so assuming that it was my rubbers where the struts from the top sit is out of the question now, still though, why do we even have to lube up the springs??? I mean really...:???:


Second Glance
lube is good to be used on anything that creates friction


Second Glance
Where is the squeak coming from.. Front or Rear... if its rear.. take a look at your bushings... bushing can tend to squeak when they're ready to be replaced.


New Member
Well somehow it was the springs... its been a week and 3 days since I went from the lowering spring to stock, and yea I really came to believe its the springs, it made the noise on the back only when I was on the move, or when I went up a driveway at a angle (since it was low) well Im going to steam clean the springs and put them back in... we'll see how it turns out, thanks for the concerns guys.
